Three Arabic Language and Literature Students Publish Articles in Reputable Journals as Thesis Substitutes

HUMANIORA – (26/9/2024) A remarkable achievement has been made by several students from the Arabic Language and Literature (BSA) Study Program at the Faculty of Humanities, UIN Malang. They successfully published journal articles as substitutes for their thesis, a highly appreciated academic accomplishment. The articles they authored have been published in various national journals indexed in Sinta 2 and Sinta 3.
The three students who successfully published their journal articles are Sulukul Muhimmah, Hanania Hanum Sa'bania, and Ulfatil Mustafidah. Not only did they complete their studies on time, but they also fulfilled all academic requirements early, in their eighth semester. This achievement demonstrates their commitment and dedication to academics, as well as their proficient academic writing skills.
Sulukul Muhimmah successfully published her article titled "The Internalization of Character Education Values and the Concept of Happiness Through the Short Story 'Al-Saeed Hasan' by Kamil Kailani: Children's Literature Study" in Eralingua Journal, managed by Universitas Negeri Makassar. This journal is indexed in Sinta 2, one of the highest rankings in the national scientific journal classification. Meanwhile, Hanania Hanum Sa'bania published her article titled "Trust Issue Analysis: Psycholinguistic Study in Sherine Abdel Wahab Garh Tany's Song Albums" in Tsaqofiya Journal from IAIN Ponorogo, and Ulfatil Mustafidah published her article titled "Social Action in the Movie Alkhallat: Talcott Parson's Structural Functional Study" in ONOMA Journal, Universitas Cokroaminoto Palopo, both indexed in Sinta 3.
The Head of the Arabic Language and Literature Study Program, Dr. Abdul Basith, M.Pd., also expressed his high appreciation for the students. “Congratulations, congratulations, and congratulations to the three of you. You deserve to be happy,” he enthusiastically remarked when interviewed. This statement reflects his pride in the achievements of his students who have worked hard.
Furthermore, Dr. Basith added that this achievement sets an example for other students to maximize their academic potential. “Hopefully, this will serve as motivation for all students in the Arabic Language and Literature Study Program to continue excelling and producing high-quality scientific works,” he said.
With this accomplishment, the BSA students not only successfully completed their education but also made a tangible contribution to the academic field through nationally recognized scientific publications. [al]

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