Improving Educational Quality, Humaniora Holds Curriculum Evaluation and Renewal

HUMANIORA – (June 13, 2024) In an era of rapid change and technological advancement, educational curricula must continuously evolve to remain relevant to the demands of the times. This principle underlies the Faculty of Humanities at UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang in organizing the Curriculum Evaluation event on Thursday, June 13, 2024, at the Savana Hotel & Convention, Jl. Letjen Sutoyo, Malang City. This event invited all lecturers within the Faculty of Humanities to discuss and formulate a more adaptive curriculum that meets contemporary needs.
In his opening remarks, the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs of the Faculty of Humanities, Dr. Halimi, emphasized the importance of conducting a curriculum evaluation. According to him, the current curriculum needs to be reviewed and refined to meet national and international educational qualification standards. Especially since the Faculty of Humanities is currently preparing to complete the Supplementary Instrument for Study Program Conversion (ISK) and pursue national accreditation from BAN-PT as well as international accreditation from FIBAA.
"The curriculum that has been implemented needs to be reviewed and refined to meet national education standards. This evaluation is important because this year we will conduct ISK, re-accreditation, and FIBAA," said Dr. Halimi.
Therefore, Dr. Halimi hopes that the lecturers can participate in this event to produce a curriculum that is oriented towards the achievements of Humanities graduates, aligning with the needs of the business and industry sectors. He mentioned the curriculum evaluation agenda targeting the implementation of an Outcome-Based Education (OBE) curriculum in the Faculty of Humanities.
"The implementation of the OBE curriculum is important because it can bridge Humanities graduates to acquire the skills needed in the workforce," he added.
In the same session, a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Humanities, Prof. Dr. Mudjia Rahardjo, M.Si., provided guidance and motivation to the lecturers. He emphasized the urgency of this activity, stating that curriculum evaluation is an integral part of the educational process that must not be neglected.
"We must not be complacent. Our students are living in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0, and the curriculum must always be updated to match the developments and needs of students," stressed Prof. Mudjia.
Prof. Mudjia also reminded the lecturers to continuously update their knowledge to provide what students need to face the challenges of the industrial revolution 4.0 era. "As lecturers, we must be able to provide what students need to face the challenges of the industrial revolution 4.0 era. We must always update our knowledge," he added.
In his closing remarks, Prof. Mudjia expressed his pride in the progress achieved by the Faculty of Humanities. He appreciated the various accomplishments and emphasized the importance of continuously maintaining and strengthening this progress through ongoing evaluation and change.
"The progress in the Faculty of Humanities must always be maintained and strengthened. Do not tire of evaluating and changing to capture the spirit of the times," he concluded.
The Curriculum Evaluation event reflects the commitment of the Faculty of Humanities at UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang to continuously innovate and ensure the relevance of education amidst changing times. The Faculty hopes that this effort will improve the quality of education and prepare students to face increasingly competitive job market challenges. This initiative shows that the Faculty of Humanities focuses not only on teaching but also on learning outcomes that can positively impact society. [al]

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